now,, it is not only churp2 giving us money,, blin too!!! how cool is that??? :D

if there any mistake written do tell me k,, hehe,, just trying to write notes for my own self.

1.     Present tense
a.    Simple present
                                          i.    It is about habitual actions and universal truths.
                                        ii.    Basic verb for plural forms
                                       iii.    Basic verb + s for singular forms
                                       iv.    Example: I am a girl.
b.    Present perfect
                                          i.    It is about something that is already done but has the tendency to reoccur in the future. It is to emphasize the sentence. For Malays, it is similar to add the word ‘telah’ in the sentence.
                                        ii.    Has ‘has’ for singular forms
                                       iii.    Has ‘have’ for plural forms
                                       iv.    The verb followed is in participle form
                                         v.    Example: I have learned how to write.
c.    Present perfect continuous
                                          i.    It is about something that is happening at the current time.
                                        ii.    Basic verb followed by verb with –ing
                                       iii.    Example: I am learning to write.
d.    Present perfect continuous
                                          i.    It is about something that started in the past and still an on-going process.
                                        ii.    Has ‘has’ or ’have’ + been + verb with –ing
                                       iii.    Example: I have been learning how to write.
2.    Past tense
a.    Simple past
                                          i.    It is an incident that happened in the past.
                                        ii.    Basic verb + d/ed
                                       iii.    Basic verb changes to irregular verb
                                       iv.    Example: I ate chicken.
b.    Past perfect
                                          i.    It is to emphasize the sentence. For Malays, it is similar to add the word ‘telah’ in the sentence.
                                        ii.    Had + main verb
                                       iii.    Had learned
                                       iv.    I had learned how to cook.
c.    Past continuous
                                          i.    It is about something that is an on-going process happened in the past.
                                        ii.    Linking verb + main verb with –ing
                                       iii.    I was walking at that time.
d.    Past perfect continuous
                                          i.    Had + main verb with –ing
                                        ii.    Usually added with the word been between 'had' and the main verb.
                                       iii.    I had been walking for days.
3.    Future tense
a.    Future continuous tense
                                          i.    Has the word ‘will’, or ‘shall’ determining that something has yet to happen or in the future + be + main verb with -ing
                                        ii.    Example: I will be learning how to speak in Mandarin soon,
b.    Future perfect tense
                                          i.    Has the word will + have + main verb in participle form
                                        ii.    When you arrive, the train will have left.



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