Gummy bear presentation

Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Wah.. Berapa hari dah tak update... Grrr... Tolong la jangan marah muja... Muja kemelesetan idea laaa.. Heee.. Tapi.. Tq sebab still datang lawat blog muja and pv blog muja increases kot.. Tocey niii

Hari ni nak share ngan pembaca sekalian peristiwa menghappykan dalam hidup ni.. Peristiwa assignment yang mengasyikkan.. Peristiwa tugasan yang for the first time buat kami suka akan kewujudan assignment. Hehehe

For this sem.. For linguistics subject.. We were required to make a presentation on anything suitable for year 3 student. We did a nursery rhyme entitle gummy bears. At first.. It was kind of hard but at last we managed to do the best for that performance. Hee... We scored the highest mark for that night. Alhamdulillah...

Enjoy the pictures. Video is on the way. Chow. :-)


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