Alhamdulillah, Syukur Padamu Yaa Allah


Semalam, dalam dok kalut tulis alamat pemenang guna handwriting yang sangat cakar ayam, tetiba Ain cakap result exam for Semester 1 dah keluar. Cuak giler weh sebab I wrote about my hastiness during my exam. Rasa yang tersangat takut yang boleh dikatakan scared to death sangat

Time Literature in English : tak ingat tajuk drama
Time Linguistic : takut sebab last minute preparation
Time Falsafah Pendidikan Negara: tak ingat 6 Pillars of KSSR, 
Time Child Development: takutkan kestrictan lecturer

Semua benda that happened during exam buat Muja rasa serabut, rasa rendah diri, rasa macam tak ingat, rasa tak confident, rasa nak nangis, rasa nervous melampau and rasa nak balik rumah sesangat!!! :'(

Umi pulak dok mengharap yang terbaik daripada Muja. She wishes to see my name announced as one of the best students. Everything brought an unbearable pressure to me. Rasa macam I just reached an extent that I just could not handle it anymore but I forgot at that time that Allah has said,, He does not give us a test that we cannot afford to handle. I know it, but sometimes I tend to layan my feelings then terlupa. Astaghfirullahalazim. Ampunkan aku yaa Allah.

Disebabkan kecuakan yang melampau, so I asked Ain to check it out for me. Alhamdulillah I scored 3.65 which I never thought possible. Yelakan, how come someone yang masuk dalam exam hall dengan all those negative thinking fikir dia akan dapat gred as good as this. Walaupun tak setinggi my other friends and jatuh 0.02, I am so much grateful to Allah sebab memang Muja rasa I was going to fail. Rasa nak nangis sangat titew tau :'(

3 A, 4 A- and seketul B+. How can it be better for someone yang rasa dia akan fail. Alhamdulillah
Yang lagi sedeyh tu, I failed to achieve what my Ummi wants me to achieve. I am so sorry. I will try harder in the future k. Jangan risau. I won't let you down this time. Abah pulak, Muja hantar SMS je. Nak cakap takut and he replied Tahniah. Kih3

I want to also take this opportunity to wish a very big congratulations to all of you that have passed your exams with flying colours especially to my beloved room mate yang dah scored the magnificen 3.75 This sem, Muja menuntut ngan Ain k. Kih3

Result korang cemana? Kalau sudi share lah. Kalau tak sudi tak pe. :)


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