If I may change the world

Change? May I, world? Will you let me?

Change, word said easier than done

Because world is too nice a place to some people

But, hell to another.

If I may change the world

Schools will be at the playground

The seesaw can be the chair

The swing should be fine

When I can learn while playing with my friends

Learning can finally be fun

If I may change the world

How I wish something delicious can taste good

What if vegetables taste like chocolate?

Mmm.. yummy for my tummy

No more forced veggie-eating for me

If I may change the world

I would cancel plane crashes

That burn so bad into ashes

MH370 and M17 in my memory now

Their names I would never know

If I may change the world

No one is cutting one tree

There would be tree houses in each

My exercise would be climbing it up and down

From my window, I see sunrise on the horizon

From the balcony, I see disappearance of the Sun

I open my eyes; all I see is green, all I smell is nature

If I may change the world

There will be no ‘I hate you!’

‘I love you.’ instead is said in every street at any time

We would not have the word HATE even

Hate? Never heard of it.

If I may change the world

I would cancel wars everywhere

Let me swing my sword of peace

Let me blow the horn of independence

Let the oppressed be happy on their lands

Let the oppressors know their roots

Peace I adore

If I may change the world

Let me be in the year 2019

Let me warn all human beings

‘People of the world. Be prepared. A huge battle awaiting us ahead.’

‘People of the world. Do not travel yet. Stay put where you’re at.’

If I may change the world

There will be no Covid-19, no worldwide pandemic

‘Stay at home’ is not such a big deal

My family just love to travel

The next destination is still a riddle

If I may change the world

Allow me to ask for my childhood

The time spent staying at home


  1. Dont change the world. Change ours . Change a small thing in our life. Make impact in our life.

    When our life is getting better . World come to us.


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